Friday, April 2, 2010

We Did It!

We finally ate out at a restaurant with the kids, and it was great. We’ve been so worried about taking them out, and if they got fussy or were too loud for other guests, but it couldn’t have gone better.

We went to a local, casual Mexican restaurant that’s family friendly. They gave us a picnic table out on the patio and the twins were completely entertained. They just watched all the action around us while we enjoyed nachos (and a margarita, of course). We are confident we can all go out to dinner as a family again soon. Yea!

Chloe got a little fussy near the end but was completely content in Carl’s lap. Here's a shot of Carl holding Chloe. She’s wearing a cute little onsie that one of my artsy girlfriends made for her. I didn’t realize Carl and Chloe both had skulls on their shirts until he picked her up. Too cute!

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