Thursday, April 8, 2010

Connor’s Initial Visit to Cranial Technologies

Having a flat spot, or plagiocephaly, is more and more common.  It’s caused from external forces on a soft infant skull. To lower the risk of infants suffocating in their cribs, now parents are asked to place babies on their backs to sleep. If a baby favors one side, they are more likely to end up with a flat spot.

We learned that being a twin may also contribute to the fact that Connor favors his left side, because he may have been more crowded and favored that side when I was carrying him.

The treatment is to wear a DOC band made specifically for Connor, shaped to allow his still developing skull to grow into a more rounded shape. It should only take a few weeks to a few months.

At yesterday’s visit they took pictures and measurements. Preliminarily we’ve heard his shape is moderate to mildly severe, but we’ll have to wait to hear a formal diagnosis and treatment plan.

Next steps will be going in for Digital Surface Imaging where they’ll determine the exact measurements for Connor’s head shape using digital cameras. From these images they’ll make a custom DOC band for Connor’s treatment.

I’m not excited about the treatment. However, Connor won’t really be bothered but ultimately we will be able to see a difference in his head shape when treatment is over. It will be worth it.

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