Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Digital Imaging of Connor’s Head

Today we had another appointment at Cranial Technologies for Connor to have Digital Surface Imaging®. This process takes digital pictures of Connor’s head from all angles to then go and create the band he’ll wear to help reshape his head.

To do the digital imaging, he had to wear a stocking over his head. This didn’t seem to bother him, but it did make me a little uncomfortable. He was pretty serious while the technicians positioned him and took his images, but he did a great job and got through it quickly. The digital imaging is a newer process and so much better than casting the shape of the head, which is how it was previously done. Connor may have been a champ for that too, but it may have been too much for me to watch.

I’ve included before, during, and after images so you’ll know he came through it just fine.

It will take two weeks for them to develop Connor’s customized band. We’ll go back the last week of April for a fitting and he’ll start wearing the band. We’re not sure how long he’ll need to wear it, but he must wear it 23 hours each day for about 2 to 3 months.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Connor is a real trooper. He wasn't intimidated by all that equipment and activity. We'll be following your news as he begins to wear the DOC band. All our love to you all --- Anita & Grandad