Monday, January 28, 2013

Not So Fast

The number of things I can make up to worry about being a Mom is just plain silly. There is pressure to be sure your kids are advancing quickly or at least not falling behind. However, I've found there are a few things that I'm not pushing my kids on. 

With social media you constantly hear about the "achievements" of other kids and it sometimes makes you fell like you might be falling behind in parenting duties. Although it's easier said than done, each child is different, every family is different and we all grow at different paces. 

Below are a few things we may be behind on but I'm OK with.

It has always been our plan to move the twins into separate rooms with their own beds but I'm not sure when that should be. Right now they both still sleep in their cribs and they seems to like it. I know some parents worry about babies climbing and falling out and although both kids can climb out if they want to, they just don't.

The cribs they have now convert to to toddler beds but I just don't see any reason to make that change. So for now, we're still in cribs.

High Chairs

They do not need their high chairs anymore but this is another change I'm reluctant to make, mainly for selfish reasons. In a highchair they're contained and so is the mess.  

Potty Training
This is a big one. The twins are now 3 years (and 4 months) old and not potty trained. Before they turned two we introduced potties and seeded the idea they could use them. I've felt a lot of pressure to get them potty trained and have been given all sorts of advice:

  • On a three day weekend, plan to stay home. Have a timer and make them try to go to the potty every 20 minutes. By the end of the weekend they should be potty trained.
  • Don't let them wear diapers or pull ups, move right on to underwear. There will be some accidents but they'll hate having messy underwear.
  • Take their bottoms off, pants, diaper, everything and let them run around without anything on. Then they'll have to use the potty. Of course there may be an accident or two, but after a few days of no pants they'll be potty trained.
  • Give them a prize, candy, stickers, each time they  use the potty.
So I've decided not to go with any of the extreme solutions. There was a time when Chloe was afraid of the potty and when I'd ask if she wanted to try she'd tell me, "not yet." That was pretty clear and we just took a break for a few months. 

We are all trying now and get M&Ms when we're successful. We still wear diapers or pull-ups and I'm just not worried about it. We'll get there. 

Also, our pediatrician backed me up on this and said not to push them. It will come in time.

I really don't want to rush them to grow up and there are a few things I just don't mind being a bit behind on.

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