Thursday, January 17, 2013

There Is A Line

Earlier this week I read an article about mommy bloggers sharing too much and the ethics of writing about your kids. "The Ethical Implications of Parents Writing About Their Kids" in The Atlantic takes on the idea that mommy blogs tend to lead to "parental over sharing" and have the potential to embarrass or even humiliate children who never approved of the sharing in the first place.

I've read a few articles about some readers' distaste for blogs that share too much personal information but this was the first time I've come across the ethics of writing about your kids. Although it's completely logical to share stories about your kids at the same time you have to remember, in this digital age, these stories live on and are easily accessible years later. I would hate to think anything I wrote would keep Chloe out of college or Connor from getting hired, but that's the concern this articled raised.

Keeping that in mind, I reviewed past posts and considered my original motivation for the blog. I wanted to keep a journal or online scrapbook of our family. Additionally, I wanted to share with family and friends what was happening in our lives, especially what was happening with the twins.

When I read back through past posts the only time I think I may have "over shared" is when talking about myself, like our struggles to get pregnant, my challenges balancing career with family, and the ubiquitous battle with weight loss. I shared these things on purpose so friends and family who struggle with something similar will know they're not alone.

Overall I don't think I've shared anything that could harm the twins' future. I still may have "over shared" but it all depends on your perspective. This blog is for my friends and family so they can keep up with us as the twins grow up so quickly. From the response I've gotten from those close to us I think the blog has accomplished that goal. 

It's always good for me to consider what I write about our family and how they would feel if it was shared with others. However, I don't think the blog is harming our family and will continue to write and share. 

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