Thursday, October 11, 2012

BRCA Test Results

A few weeks ago, at my last OBGYN visit and with the doctor's advice, I decided to take the BRCA gene test to see if I was at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. See previous post here.

Only about 2 of 100 adult women are likely to have the BRCA gene, and as it turns out I'm not one of those two. Good news!

Since my Mom and both grandmothers had breast cancer, in the back of my mind I've always assumed I'd probably get it too. The results of this test provide a bit of lightness. It's not a foregone conclusion that I'll get breast cancer and that's really nice to know. I'll still be diligent about screening, but I feel better about the idea that I may never get breast cancer.

However, what's even more important to me is knowing this is good news for Chloe too, since I didn't pass along a gene that might also put her at higher risk.

Now the only thing left to learn is what this test cost me. Some, most, or all of the cost will be covered by insurance. Even though I have the test results, I still don't know what I'm on the hook for.


Stephanie Fink said...

Hi Shelley,
The company usually runs your benefits first and if you owe $375 or less out of pocket they will automatically run it and bill you later. The cost of the test is about $3500.00! said...


Thank you, medical insurances can get pretty confusing.

My doctor let me know I could pay up to $375 for the amount not covered by insurance. Carl and I agreed we'd be willing to pay the $375 to know the results. I did get a letter telling me most of all would be covered by insurance, but I wasn't clear if I would still owe some part of $375.

I didn't mean to alarm you. I don't expect a bill for $3,500, but I feel like I could still owe something up to the $375.