Friday, October 12, 2012

Super Heroes

A fire engine and firemen are visiting the kids' school this morning. I thought it would be fun to wear their Wonder Woman and Superman shirts from Aunt Wendy.

Seriously, you wouldn't think it would be that hard. The first challenge is to get Chloe to ever agree to any outfit. She likes to look through her closet and pick out what to wear herself, which lately is a dress, something with butterflies and maybe her boots. She requested a "pretty dress" and after I explained to her the fire engine would be at school and we could wear our super hero shirts she totally agreed, since that's perfectly logical.

Connor doesn't usually give me a problem with clothes in the morning, but for some reason he decided he wanted to wear the Wonder Woman shirt instead of Superman. Which is fine, he can wear the Wonder Woman shirt, just not when his sister is already wearing it. After a mild breakdown, we agreed on Superman.

Another morning accomplishment is Chloe letting me comb her hair, sometimes we just go with the bed head look. I even talked her into pigtails with Wonder Woman matching red hair clips, but then halfway through she rebelled and we only made it out with a one-sided pig tail.

As we're heading out the door I ask the twins if I can take a picture. Chloe is totally game and gives me a super smile. Connor gives me a super tantrum.

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