Thursday, March 17, 2011

Challenges at Meals

We've been pretty lucky with the kids eating well at meals, but we do have some challenges.

Connor is our really good eater. He will usually try anything and cleans his plate on a regular basis. He's been trying to use utensils but sometimes ends up just playing.

Since playing is more important to Connor than eating lately whenever I say, "time to eat" he runs off crying. The other day he was playing with is soccer ball and refused to sit down and eat without it.

For Chloe meal time can be much more dramatic. 

She's a little more picky about what she eats, sometimes she refuses to eat anything unless she has her milk first. Other times she won't eat at all. When she won't eat it's usually because she doesn't feel well and often it's because she's breaking in a new tooth. Teething seems to bother Chloe so much more than Connor.

Meals can be really frustrating but ultimately we have to remember that if they miss a meal or two they won't starve to death and they'll eat when they're hungry. It's just so hard when the can't talk and tell you what's wrong or what they want beyond saying "no." Of course it may not be any easier when they can talk.


Lauren Swan said...

Eating has become a pain here too! Andrews deal is that he takes a few bites and then overhand throws everything off of his tray. Yesterday I turned to him
as he was throwing a piece of chicken. Hit me in the face! So we started ending dinnertime as soon as he starts the other day he went without eating at all. Oh the guilt! said...

I think that's a good rule of thumb when you throw food=dinner is over.