Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Day: RELAX!

Yesterday was our first day at Lake Austin Spa.  My Mom drove, but we probably should have left the house a little earlier. We had a 2p appointment, we made it in time, but we had to keep moving at a steady pace. It almost defeats the purpose of being at the spa if you stress yourself out getting there.

The first class we participated in was yoga mediation. The purpose is to teach you to breath correctly in yoga class and hopefully relax. The weather was gorgeous so we started with breathing exercises outside as we walked the grounds. We started by walking, paying attention to and counting our breaths. Next we walked, breathed, and paid attention to our environment. As I walked and breathed I kept a check list of everything I saw, duck in the water, dry cedar branches on the path, huge magnolia, ants carrying leaves, all because I thought when we stopped he'd ask what we observed. Like breathing meditation is a test. Yikes, I might have to work a little harder at relaxing than I thought.

Breathing meditation was not a test. Although when we had to count double the the seconds we breathed out  from the amount we breathed in I kept pushing like it was a competition. Eventually I just breathed.

Mom and I had a fabulous dinner last night. When we sat down the waitress brought us a bottle of wine with a note. Karen and Martin sent us a bottle of wine as a gift. It was such a sweet surprise and so perfect for our first night I actually teared up. I know you may accuse me of being an alcoholic for tearing up over a bottle of wine, but is was just so unexpected and incredibly thoughtful I couldn't help myself.

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