Monday, February 20, 2012

Getting the Wiggles Out

Connor and Chloe really enjoy the show Yo Gabba Gabba. They have a song that helps "get the sillies out." Between wiggling, your suppose to hold still. They get the basic concept, but sometimes the wiggling continues and sometimes we throw a blanket on our head and fall down on the floor.

Warning: this is a 2 minute video of silliness, so probably only interesting for grandmothers and other relatives who think everything the kids do is adorable.

Also, hip new dance trend, show your belly before you kick off your dance moves. I'm pretty sure it's a move like Jagger.


NKL said...

I am not related and I loved it! Laughed out loud several times. Ah, to be a carefree toddler. (If only it was socially acceptable for me to that and have adoring people scramble for their video cameras.)

Michelle Garza said...

So cute. I was singing along. Oof!