Thursday, September 23, 2010

Play Group Worries

Connor and Chloe do pretty well playing together. Connor is a little rough and grabs toys from Chloe sometimes, but she has worked out ways to avoid him and sometimes they actually play and laugh together. However, it's time to broaden to a play group.

I've joined a group through the Junior League of Dallas called Moms of Multiples or MoMs.  Everyone in the group has twins or triplets and we met once a month to talk, share ideas, and just feel like there are others out there facing the same challenges.

Out of this group we're organizing play groups based on the ages of our babies and where we live. I'm really excited about the play groups, but I'm nervous about a few things:
• Have I waited too long to socialize Connor and Chloe?
• Will they be OK with older toddlers (the group is similar in age, but 12 months is the youngest)?
• What will I do if they're unhappy and cry, I can only manage one at a time?
• What if Connor is too rough with the other kids?

I can make up a million things to worry about, but I know going to the play groups will be good for them. It will probably be good for me too and I won't worry so much after the first one.

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