Thursday, September 16, 2010

Doctor Visit at One Year

Connor and Chloe had their one-year check up yesterday. They're right on track psychically and developmentally.

The big change coming out of this visit is we’ll move completely away from formula and baby food to whole milk from a sippy cup (no bottle) and regular, healthy food. I kept asking Dr. Neely if we needed to feed them 4 times a day or 3 times a day and he said we had to work with the babies and feed them based on when they’re hungry. So he wouldn’t give me a specific schedule, I’ll have to figure one out as we go.

All good, exciting news (if you’re into baby stuff) Below are the one-year stats:

Weight - 20lbs 12oz
Height - 29.5 inches

Weight - 19lbs 6oz
Height - 29.25 inches

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