Monday, September 13, 2010

Birthday Cupcakes

Connor and Chloe will turn one tomorrow. We celebrated with the family on Saturday. The twins had a wonderful time. They were the center of attention, held by everyone at the party and got to open presents for the first time including cute clothes, money to save for college and fun toys. I really appreciate all the family who came and played with us for the first birthday celebration. We wore the babies out so much they slept almost an hour later than usual the next morning.

We had the traditional cake for the first birthday, or in our case each baby had their own cupcake. JoJo made super cute party hats. Chloe didn't want to keep hers on, but Connor wore his even as it started to slide sideways. Connor also dug right into his cupcake with Max patrolling under his chair for all the dropped crumbs. Chloe wasn't as excited about her cupcake, but I'm not surprised because she's not really a fan of sweets. When we feed her baby food she likes the veggies much more than the sweet fruits. Maybe I should have gotten her carrot cake.

Below is a video clip of cupcakes. It's a little long and you may want to turn the volume down before you watch it because we're a little loud.

I got the cupcakes at a cute bakery called Tart using a Groupon. They were wonderful, even if Chloe didn't agree.


Lauren Swan said...

I just can't believe the babies are turning one!! How time flies. Very cute video. I love how Chloe is always kicking her feet. Andrew wanted to get his cousins something for their bday. I ordered them something last week and it should arrive tomorrow. Happy Birthday, Connor & Chloe!!!

Heather said...

ONE!?! That is unreal. I still remember EXACTLY how much KP was freaking out when you had the babies early. It literally feels like yesterday. So glad you had a nice party with the family! The babies are adorable! Connor went to town and little miss Chloe was so cracking me up!

Michelle Garza said...

Maybe Chloe was mad that Connor got the chocolate one! Happy birthday sweet babies!