Wednesday, September 1, 2010

KiKi's Birthday Wishes

Yesterday was Aunt Karen's birthday, so we thought it would be fun to get a shot of the babies wishing their KiKi Happy Birthday. This seems simple enough, and I guess it would be if I wouldn't try to get a perfect shot.

We put the twins in their highchairs and posted the birthday wish on the trays. Connor had just gotten up from a nap so he was pretty agreeable. Chloe wasn't a troublemaker or anything, but she did realize there was something posted on her highchair tray, so she felt the need to kick it.

and kick it

and crunch it up

and kick it

even Connor recognizes she's messing up the shot

I should have just gone with the first shot and been happy with that (even though they're not really smiling or even looking at the camera)

Happy Birthday KiKi!!

1 comment:

Lauren Swan said...

I am laughing out loud!!! Kevin looked at me funny :) I experience the same thing when taking Andrew's monthly "I am (blank) months old today" pictures. They came out too cute.