Friday, March 19, 2010

Twins but Unique

At six months they have unique skills they are each developing.

Chloe really likes rolling over. If you put her on her back in a few seconds she’ll be on her stomach and sometimes she keeps on going. I feel like she’ll be crawling any day now. If you put her in anything stationary she arches her back and makes little grunting noises to let you know she wants out so she can roll around.

A few weeks ago I talked about the bedding set, the bumper pads and comforter, we put in the attic because if the twins rolled into them as newborns they could suffocate since they wouldn’t know how to roll out. Well now, the amazing rolling Chloe needs her bumper pads after all. A few times now we’ve found her in crib rolled over with her foot caught in the bars. She won’t cry, she just gives up rolling and sucks on her thumb until someone comes and releases her. I think the bumper pads will keep her from getting caught and she can keep on rolling.

Although Connor can roll over too, he isn’t as focused on it as Chloe. Instead his big thing is talking. Well, he can’t exactly “talk” yet, but boy is he trying. He’s making all sorts of noises, trying to form words. He chats with the stuffed animals, he has lengthy discussions with his mobile, he talks to the puppies if one of them comes and sits by him and he definitely has a few things to say to Carl and I. He chatters away, modulating his tone and pitch, although frequently he just gets louder and louder as if he’s frustrated he can’t make any specific words or that no one can understand him. I expect him to speak as soon as he possibly can and I assume it will be a monologue and not just Mama or Dada.

However, there is one adorable thing they do together. Sometimes when we’re holding them near one another or they’re seated across from each other they laugh and interact together. Connor looks at Chloe and it’s like he says, “Oh yea, I forgot there’s another baby. You’re fun, let’s play together.” Whenever Connor sees Chloe, he starts laughing and trying to talk to her and she laughs and squawks back. Even though you’re not their gushing mom, you have to admit it’s ridiculously cute!


Heather said...

Six months old? Oh my word! I feel like you were just sneaking to my desk telling me you were pregnant! They are adorable and I'm happy to hear they are doing so well!

Unknown said...

It is so awesome to see the twins changing as they get older. I can't believe how much they have changed since Christmas. And speaking as a totally unprejudiced grandmother, they are the cutest babies ever! I can't wait to see them in May. JOJO