Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Fever

Recently we’ve had some really beautiful weather that makes me want to get outside, soak up the sun, and enjoy the approaching spring before it gets so hot I’ll melt from stepping outside.

When the babies were in the special care nursery, before we could bring them home, the doctors really scared us about keeping them healthy. They told us we were on quarantine until flu season was over. When I asked how long that would be, straight-faced the doctor said, “Spring.”

Now it is spring and I’m dying to go out and take the babies. Carl and I have been out as a couple with either Maria or my Mom babysitting, but we haven’t done anything as a whole family.

We have cousins who had a baby just two months after the twins were born. They don’t live in Dallas so we keep up with them to via facebook, which is fun because they’re going through very similar baby things at the same time. Recently they took a trip with their baby to visit family. They posted all sorts of cute pictures of the baby at a parade and the whole family at Commander’s Palace. The baby was adorable and really well behaved to boot.

So now I’m just getting jealous. Our cousins are jet setting around with their new baby, going to parades and fancy dinners. OK, jet setting may be a bit of an exaggeration, but we haven’t gone anywhere with the twins. It’s been so lovely out I want sit on a patio with my family and sip margaritas but we’re afraid to pack up two babies, get them out, and then one has a melt down and we have to pack it all up and head home.

Maybe I’m over thinking the whole thing and we’ll be fine even if one baby cries a little. On the other hand, maybe it’s better for Carl and I to go out on our own and just enjoy each other’s company without having to focus on a baby or two babies at once. All I know is, now it’s spring and I want to enjoy it, I guess we’ll just have to sip margaritas on our own patio for a while. 

1 comment:

Angie said...

I know exactly what you mean, and I remember that feeling. I would say that it is officially spring and that you need to go out. It's good to have a mix of both where you go out with and without the twins. Sometimes its stressful when you bring them, and you end up leaving early. And other times, they are excited and interested in all the people and act like angels. But for the good times, it's worth it. Because sometimes you just have to get out of the house. The other option is a shopping outing to Costco or Sam's. They have shopping carts big enough that you can strap both carriers to them without a problem. :)