Friday, March 26, 2010

The Talker

Connor and Chloe had a doctor's appointment yesterday, so they had a bit of an interruption of their normal schedule and they both had shots. They did really well at the appointment, but that afternoon when they got back home, Connor never took a good enough nap.

That evening he was exhausted, but still would never sleep until it was time for his final bottle and bedtime at 9p. Because of this, he fell into a deep, but restless sleep. I heard loud noises from him at 1:45a and 2:45a, when I went to check on him, he was asleep, but chatting away. Connor talks in his sleep.

I talk in my sleep. My Mom says when I was a kid she could have entire conversations with me while I was asleep. Something like. "Angela, you have to let me play with the barbie townhouse too." You know, the pressing issues of the day.

Now, I'm not sure that I talked in my sleep at 6 months old, I'll have to check with Mom. For Connor, maybe this was just because he was so worn out from the day. I'm pretty worn out today too, so hopefully this isn't a new habit.

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