Thursday, February 18, 2010

We May Just Have To Face It, Connor Is Fussy

Connor is still fighting us when he takes the bottle and he spits up quite a bit. The spitting up is just part of baby stuff, but we’ve been frustrated with him fighting us when feeding. He’s eating fewer ounces than he did a few weeks ago, but he’s still getting plenty and continues to grow.

We had another doctor’s visit yesterday afternoon since nothing had changed from the last visit. We’ll continue with the prescription for acid reflux until Monday and see if that makes a difference. If not, Dr. Neely gave us two different formulas we could try. However, we may have to face the fact that ultimately Connor may be a fussy baby.

The challenge is we have Chloe as a comparison and she’s much calmer and a great eater. I worry that Chloe will get the label of the “good baby” and conversely since Connor cries so much, he gets more attention. Each baby is different and we have to find the balance between our two. Hopefully we can do it with less crying from both Connor and his parents.

Connor seems to enjoy the doctor’s office, specifically the examination table with the big mirror next to it. I’ve included a link to a little video clip from yesterday’s visit.

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