Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Connor Formula Concerns

I've been known to be a pretty intense person at times. However, there are a few events in my life that have helped mellow me out a bit. Firstly meeting and marrying Carl and now having the twins has helped put things into perspective and give me a calmer outlook.

That being said, I can still think of all sorts of things to worry about, especially regarding the twins.

Each baby is unique and they develop their own personality. So far Connor has demanded a bit more attention and lately has been really fussy and difficult when it comes time for his bottle. Our nanny, Maria, has a couple of theories. The first is he doesn't like the bottle or nipple we're using and secondly that he doesn't like the formula. Together, Carl and Maria have now developed the lactose intolerant theory. To be fair, Connor does really wail sometimes when we try to feed him, so much so you think he's in pain, and there is quite a bit of spit up. I just don't know if this is standard for some babies.

We'll check in with the doctor to confirm symptoms of lactose intolerance and see if we need to switch formulas. Or try to learn to worry less.


Heather said...

YAY for your blog! Love it. I am so excited to keep up with you, Carl and the twins this way, too.

Lauren Swan said...

love the blog! andrew is the king of spit-up...so much so I sometimes go through 3-4 bibs and 3 burp cloths during the course of one day. might be a swan male trait :) good to check with the doc though especially if he seems in pain. poor baby!