Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hand Prints

A few weekends ago new concrete was poured at our neighborhood playground and they let the kids come and put their handprints in it. It had been rescheduled a few times due to weather, and when we arrived with our bundled up babies this time, the concrete wouldn't be ready for another hour or two.

A neighbor stopped by the house when they were ready, but the twins were down for a nap and Carl was out running errands so I didn't bother to wake them and wasn't comfortable trying to manage the babies and do the handprints by myself.

So now, adding to list of goofy things to worry about, I don't want the kids to be disappointed when they go to the playground and their handprints aren't there. I know they'll never know, so maybe it's just me that's disappointed. At any rate, I found these cute handprint canvas kits at Red Envelope. Hopefully that will make me feel better.

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