Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sick of being Sick

When the kids headed off to school for the first time, almost two years ago, I was prepared for them to get sick more often. What I was prepared for was how often I would get sick.

The kids will get a cold and get over it in a few days. Maybe we'll have a lingering cough or runny nose, but on the whole they bounce back pretty quickly.

I don't seem to be bouncing back at all. I feel like I have some underlying sinus congestion ongoing and if I get sick it aggravates it and makes it worse. I have now had sinus headaches, congestion, and some sort of mucus discharge everyday since early December. 

I go through so much Kleenex I should own stock. I don't go anywhere without tissue. There are boxes in both bathrooms and the kitchen counter. I keep a box in the mini van with a little trash bag. My co-workers have to remind me they're getting on a call so I won't blow my nose while they're on with a client.

I've visited my doctor two different times to try to solve it. We've tried allergy medications, antibiotics, nasal sprays all sorts of options but nothing clears it up. 

A friend recommended an ENT. I've researched him and I'm about ready to make an appointment but I'm a bit nervous since the main solutions seem to be surgery. 

So I thought I'd try a few more things. WebMD recommended grapefruit seed extract. When I got that at Whole Foods, I found a box near it with a product call Nasopure Nasal Wash System (the nicer neti). Some friends have recommended using a neti pot, but I've been worried I'd do it wrong and make things worse. At this point, I'm at the end of my rope and thought I'd at least try it.

So I read all the directions, fill up the nasal wash squeeze bottle and take it into the shower with me. Take a look at this picture.
Really, she's smiling as water gently flushes out her nasal passages. This isn't really how it worked for me. Thank heavens I was in the shower. I can't figure out how to "close off my throat" and I end up snorting and coughing with saline water going every where. 

They even have a picture of kid smiling as she flushes her nasal passages as if to say, "so easy, even a small child can do it." 
But this was not easy for me. And I'm not even sure it helped. I now have a headache, but it could just be from stressing over how to use the stupid nasal flush thing in the first place.

I'll try it a few more times to give it a fair go, but I'm guessing I'll need to make an appointment with that ENT soon.

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