Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Twins Have A New Cousin

On Monday my brother and sister-in-law welcomed baby girl Lola Kerris Gutzler to the world.

I had a chance to visit with baby Lola yesterday and she is beautiful.

Now let me provide some perspective.  When my babies were born, they were cute to me and Carl, but seriously they looked a little like wrinkled old men, especially Connor. Cute wrinkled old men, but still. Just so you don't think I'm being too critical the twins are totally adorable now, but it's hard for all babies to be cute. Except it comes easily to baby Lola. She has a wonderful Mommy/Daddy combo chin, slightly turning up with a little cleft. She has an adorable button nose, and best of all a head of strawberry blonde hair in tiny baby curls.

When I had the twins it was really fast. 12:45am cramping, left for the hospital at 2:30am, twins were born via c-section by 4:30am. Jamie had to work a bit harder. Her water broke at 5:30am and Lola didn't make her appearance until nearly 5pm. Almost 12 hours of labor. Being a mom his hard.

Being an aunt rocks! Yeah Lola!

Brian & Jamie,
You know all those noisy toys you got the twins, specifically the puppy guitar and the kitty piano with a microphone. Right after this picture was taken Lola whispered to me that she wanted to join the band too, but wanted her own instrument. The drum set will be delivered on Tuesday!

1 comment:

Lauren Swan said...

congrats aunt shelley :) she is so precious.