Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Things They Say

One of my relatives mentioned keeping a list of all the cute things her son said and then shared a list with him on his 30th birthday. I loved this and that's sort of the purpose of the blog, so I thought I'd share some of the things the twins are saying right now since I know I won't be able to remember a couple of months from now.


If he's playing with a ball and it gets away from him, he'll chase it around and when he gets it he exclaims, "I got you!"

We've been reading Curious George and in one story George goes to a Halloween costume party. The host  greets George at the door dressed a like a witch and at one point in the story George slides down the stair banister with a ghost sheet on his head. Connor likes the story but at random points in the day, in a monotone voice he'll say, "The witch open the door." and "The ghost is coming."This really freaks Carl out.


Chloe likes to be really efficient with words, so sometimes she'll skip a few in a phrase. For example, if we're saying, "Goodbye, see you soon." Chloe will say, "Bye. Soon."

As with most toddlers, when she's angry or frustrated she'll use "no" a lot. There have been times when I've told her she's not being very nice. She replies to that with a growl of, "No nice."

Most of the time Connor wakes up before Chloe. She sleeps longer and then I'll hear a sweet, sing song voice say, "Mommy, where are you?" I love hearing that!

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