Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sickly Swans

Almost all the Swans in our household have been sick the past week. Somehow Carl was able to avoid getting a cold but the rest of us haven't been so lucky.

One morning last week I was laying in bed with a raw throat and feeling achy and I knew I had a cold.

When I went in to get the twins up for the morning I discovered poor Chloe had thrown up in her bed during the night. Not only did it smell terrible, but the poor thing had slept in it. We stripped her and the bed, washed everything including giving Chloe a morning bath. Besides spit-up that's the only time either of them have thrown up and I felt so bad for her.

She didn't get sick like that again but she did have a cold, running a low grade fever with a snuffly nose. The next day Connor had the same thing. We've just had to let the colds run their course. Everyone is doing better now, but there still runny noses and some mild coughing.

I feel so bad when the kids are sick and there's not much to do but comfort them if you can. They've slept a bit more and Connor has learned to wipe his own nose with a tissue when it's runny. I'll just be happy when we're all feeling like ourselves again.

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