Monday, May 9, 2011

Sandbox = Endless Fun

Connor and Chloe got a sandbox from GiGi for Easter. Mom had been talking about and waiting to get the kids a sandbox since they played with one at a birthday party at the end of October.

When they finally got their sandbox it took us a couple of days to put it together so they played with all of the accessories as a warm up. Of course we ended up breaking the handles off the buckets immediately and deciding they made better hats.

Eventually the sandbox was ready to go and we had nice outdoor weather to go with it. There is mainly a lot of tossing sand on one another, throwing sand out of the sandbox itself, and the ever popular take a bite of sand when Mom's not looking because sand looks like it might taste good (are you sure this isn't brown sugar?).

Even though it's a bit messy they really seem to love it as evidenced by the terrible wailing that ensues when we have to go back inside. Fun all summer!

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