Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Yesterday we hosted our second twin play group. My intention was to take pictures and blog about the play group, but seriously, things are just a little more complicated with three sets of twins running around. Of course there were two other Moms there and Maria, thank heavens, but there were still kids everywhere in addition to watching my two to make sure they were doing OK. So I didn't get any pictures. You can "close window" now if you wanted pictures, all I have today is observations.

First of all, I love how open my son is to new experiences. He squealed when the kids arrived for play group. Not to leave Chloe out, she was excited too, but Connor yelled like Brave Heart and prepared for the onslaught with a happy sneer. At our last group we had more girls, but this one was dominated by boys. They were a few months older than Connor but he was happy to join in and show them how to destroy when the time came. All and all a wonderful play group for Connor.

The surprise, break-out personality from this play group happen to be Maria. She loves the twins and is very protective and proud. As we played in the back yard, another mother brought out crackers as a snack. Maria quickly arrived with apple bites for all the kids and water for Connor and Chloe. I think she just preferred a healthy snack.

There was one other adorable girl at play group wearing a yellow dress and leggings, perfect for spring. A butterfly flitted around her and landed on the patio beam right next to her. I commented that the butterfly was attracted to her and her pretty yellow dress. Then, after a beat, Maria delicately snatch the butterfly by it's wings and brought it to Connor and Chloe to show them, telling them how to say "butterfly" before letting it fly away. She has a tiny bit of favoritism. I love it!

We were at the Arboretum last week and they had a petting zoo. The kids could grab a brush for goats and sheep and in a little bucket off to the side, they had a bunny (I do have a picture of the bunny).

When Connor and Chloe stopped brushing the other animals and headed over to the bunny, Maria reached into the bucket and gently shook the bunny so he was awake and active for the twins. Again, I love it. I would never do it, but Maria will not have a sleepy bunny on her watch.

My children are incredibly loved. I'm so happy to spend this time with them but also enormously grateful to have the help of someone who finds them as precious as I do. I'm a lucky woman in so many ways!

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