Monday, August 9, 2010

Chloe's Voices

The twins aren't actually talking yet, but they're really trying. They both make a lot of sounds, raise the pitch of their voice and sometimes it seems like they're talking to one another. Every now and then we think we recognize a work like mama, dada, or baby, but they're not linking those words to us so it's just sounds at this point.

Chloe has been trying out voices that sound like she's talking like a duck. It's almost like a smokers voice, rough and scratchy coming from the back of her throat. I've been trying to catch it on video since it's a crazy voice coming from a cute baby girl.

This morning we had Sesame Street on and Cookie Monster was singing about the letter S. Chloe started to do the voice and she sounds just like Cookie Monster. Maybe that's where it came from.

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