Monday, January 30, 2012

Hair Cuts

I've let the kids  hair get a little shaggy. I've been meaning to get them hair cuts for the past few weeks, but never seem to find time to fit it in.

Connor is OK when his hair gets long, but I do worry the curls start to look a little girly if not totally messy.
Connor before hair cut

Connor before hair cut

It's harder for Chloe with too long hair, she just can't see. We have to pull her hair into a ponytail just to keep it out of her face.
Chloe before hair cut
Chloe before hair cut
We go to a place specifically for kids called Snip-its. They don't take appointments on the weekend so we end up having to wait, but the kids love it because there are tons of toys and lots of kids to play with, so ultimately it works out.

Connor after hair cut
Connor after hair cut

Chloe after hair cut

Chloe after hair cut

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