Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fun Toys

I'm a little embarrassed by how many toys we have for the babies. Some of the toys are gifts friends and family couldn't resist giving the twins and others are things Carl couldn't resist getting for the twins, but the long and short of it is we have a lot of toys.

One toy they've been playing with lately is a cool piano table that plays music and names colors and numbers in both English and Spanish. Connor and Chloe both can stand and play on the piano table at the same time. It's a really fun toy.

But not matter how fun all the toys they have are, sometimes nothing beats a hanger.  

I was cleaning out the babies' closet and piling up the hanger to throw out. I guess a pile of hangers is irresistible as toys kept them distracted for awhile. But now that I've thrown out the hangers, we're back to fighting over a space at the piano table.

1 comment:

Lauren Swan said...

yay! i am glad you got the table for them. don't be embarrassed...andrew hardly has anything either :)