Friday, April 12, 2013

Conversations With Connor

Both of the kids like to chat. Sometimes Connor gets going on a tangent. The other night we headed out for pizza. On the drive Connor and I were discussing the lunch I packed for him and why he didn't eat his slider hamburger. 

I didn't get the first part of the conversation on video, but he was making me laugh so much I filmed the second part. Here he's trying to tell me something but I can't understand exactly what he's saying and he gets a bit frustrated with me.

Cass something??

Since this video taken, I've learned there is a younger boy in Connor's class named Cash. He has curly blonde hair too.

Bonus video. Family are probably the only ones who will find this funny. On the same car ride Connor told me he knew my name but he didn't know Daddy's name. To be fair, we all call him Daddy, so how would Connor know his other name?

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