Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Night

One of Carl's friends won tickets to see the Rangers in the World Series last Sunday and invited Carl to go with him. Since we'd dressed the twins up for the Halloween birthday party the day before and going to the World Series could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, Carl went to the game.

Our neighborhood had trick-or-treating as well as a little block party with a chili cook-off. Mom helped me with the twins, we all dressed in orange and black and rolled down to the block party with some cornbread muffins Mom made to go with the chili.

The twins we're pretty entertained from their stroller with all of the activity around them for a little while but then Chloe wanted to be held and Connor wanted to get out and explore. Since it was a block party and we were in the middle of the street, I couldn't really let Connor roam around and it was a little difficult to hold Chloe and sample chili, but overall we had a good time. I'm still figuring out how to take the twins to social functions and make it work.

This Saturday will be the first play date that we could make with my MOMs group (Mothers Of Multiples). It should be interesting since all the kids will be sets of twins or multiples. Connor and Chloe did great at the birthday party last weekend so I'm sure the play group will be fine. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Lauren Swan said...

have fun at the playgroup..i am super jealous. i am still looking for one for us. it has been disappointing.