Thursday, May 13, 2010

Night Fever

Night before last Connor woke up at 1 a.m. crying. He was really upset and when we tried to swaddle him he seemed really hot. Carl changed his diaper just to make sure that wasn’t making him uncomfortable and I pulled out the baby Tylenol. His temperature read 101. After some rocking, Carl was able to get him to settle down a little bit to lay back down in his crib.

Last week Chloe ran a fever for a day and then was congested and had a runny nose for a few following days. While she was sick, she slept more than usual. She was fussy, but slept good and long once we got her to bed.

Connor woke up again at 3 a.m. and was inconsolable. We used to take turns, each one of us getting up with the babies when they woke up every other night. Since lately both babies have been sleeping through the night, I wasn’t really paying attention to the "turn" schedule. Carl said it was his turn and kept getting up for Connor, but when he wails like he did we both wake up and worry.

However, at 6:30 a.m. when we were getting ready for work and checked in on Connor, he was a happy morning baby again and his fever was gone. We’ll see if he gets the congestion now too or if it was a one-night thing.

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