Monday, April 28, 2014

What They're Saying Now: You Better Up Your Game

I love how verbal the twins are, life is simply more fun with them talking. However, you can't be a lazy parent in a conversation with these kids. Here are a few of the things they've been saying lately.

Our cousin Taylor came over to play a few weeks ago. They were all playing in Chloe's room and when Connor returned after taking a potty break I heard him say this as entering the room, "Girls, did you take care of my monkey?"

Breakfast Requests
Every night Chloe likes me to come back in and "check on her" once I've put her to bed. Frequently, this is when she likes to give me her breakfast request:

"I'd like something in the morning. I'd like cereal, flap jacks and cow's milk."

I don't know where the term "flap jacks" came from. Carl and I both say "pancakes" but I have to admit flap jacks just sounds more fun. Also don't know what's up with the cow's milk. It's not like she gets an option between that and goat's milk or something.

Parent Test
The other morning during the hustle to get out the door, Connor asked Carl a question several time, "Do you see my invisible tiger?" while holding his stuffed tiger. It took Carl a couple of tries before he got the answer right. No. It's invisible.

Child's Logic
There are pictures on our walls of a trip Carl and I took to Europe. Connor asked if he and Chloe had gone too and I told him it was before they were born. He said, "Oh, so we were in your tummy then." I did't really want to get into a discussion on this so I told him, "not exactly."

When you do that, he makes up his own mind on how things work.

A few days later we were walking back from the neighborhood egg hunt with our neighbor who coordinates the social events. Connor asked her if she was our neighbor, "yes." Did she have dogs, "yes." Did she have babies, "no, not yet." And then he commented, "Oh, they're in your belly."

I was a bit embarrassed because I didn't want her to think Connor was saying she looked pregnant (she doesn't but I know us girls can be sensitive.) I think Connor believes babies are inside you until you have them, which I guess in an 'egg way' is true, but seriously I don't want to go too deep on this topic with him. 

I now realize I've really got to up my game with these kids. There's no snoozing in the parent conversation area.

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