Friday, December 20, 2013

The Circle of Christmas

With four year olds, the holidays are amazingly fun. The twins are over the moon excited and their enthusiasm is contagious.

For me, I'm trying not to get too stressed out and have as much fun as the kids this season. I'm not worried about putting all the decorations up or having a perfectly matched tree. It's more fun to let the kids decorate the tree and let them play with the ornaments which I then find in random places around the house and usually broken. Merry Christmas!

There are sturdier ornaments out there. The other day the twins made salt dough ornaments at school. They turned out really cute.

We hung them on the tree.

And then one of the dogs took it off the tree and ate it. The circle of Christmas.

It is practically a cookie if you don't mind eating a little glitter.

I hope everyone is finding their own way to enjoy the holiday season!

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