Friday, December 13, 2013

Iced In

Last weekend we had an ice storm here in Dallas and it kept us indoors for a few days. 

We were lucky because a lot of folks lost electricity. My Mom was one of them. Her power went out at 5am Friday morning. I was worried about her staying in her cold house, but she was concerned  about trying to drive on the ice. When the sun started to go down Friday afternoon and her house got darker and colder, she packed up and came to our house. Chloe was thrilled, she and GiGi had a slumber party for the next three nights. Mom didn't get electricity again until Monday afternoon.

The first day we were in the house was fine and a little fun. The kids bundled up to go outside but quickly realized ice is not nearly as fun as snow, so we were back in for hot cocoa after a quick, cold, 10 minutes.

Over the next few days of captivity we did get a few things accomplished. I was happy to get the tree up with a little help from the twins.

My Mom got creative and the kids got to make their own pizzas. Big success!

But mostly there was a lot of laying around being lazy.

The kids were bummed when we could finally get back out on the roads and they headed to school on Tuesday, but Carl and I were totally ready for the ice-in to be over!

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