Monday, October 7, 2013

First Time For Soccer

This fall the twins are playing soccer for the first time. I was super excited to have an activity they could do together and went crazy with cleats, shin guards and long socks. I think they look adorable in uniform.

However, they're not so excited to play. The very first game Chloe got out there and really seemed to enjoy herself. However, our team is short players and she was totally worn out after playing the entire game.

Connor would not play. He likes to kick the soccer ball but gets really frustrated if someone kicks it from him or keeps him from getting it. Not really a good perspective when trying to play soccer.

It's a bit painful as a parent when the team is short players and your kids are crying on the sidelines refusing to go on the field. I understand this happens sometimes when kids first start playing, but since our team is short players it's obvious when one or both of the twins won't play.

The one fun thing for me is that the coach and one of the other fathers are English and they call the game "football," the field is the "pitch" and I get to be a "soccer mum." 

Connor did tell me his favorite part of soccer is the "high fives." So he doesn't like going on the field to play, but his favorite part is when they line up at the end and give everyone on the other team a high five.

We're waiting to see if the twins can find a way to enjoy it more or this may be our one and only season of soccer.

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