Thursday, June 13, 2013

What They're Saying Now: June 2013

Now that the twins are nearly four we're getting a bit more conversational. Lately they've had some interesting phrases.

The Beach
Like last year we plan to head to Pensacola Beach, FL in September and share a rented house with family. The twins are very excited about this trip and ask me almost every day if today is the day we're going to the beach. Connor has also turned this into some sort of punishment for anyone he thinks is "naughty." If I tell him "no" or raise my voice, he tells me, "your not going to the beach."

I've tried to explain to him that I'm the "decider" on who gets to go to the beach, but he doesn't buy it. What makes it even funnier is Chloe gets a little worried when Connor tells me I'm not going to the beach, she wants to be sure I'll hold her in the waves.

A Bit Dramatic
Connor can get a little dramatic in his use of phrases. Beyond not letting us go to the beach, if I've told him "no" another reply from him is, "you broke my heart." I feel bad for him and his broken heart, but I usually make him go back to bed or whatever it is anyway.

Also, instead of just asking for a blanket, he'll tell me his "teeth are chattering." He's not simply chilly or cold, his teeth are chattering.

Proper Kisses
You may remember Chloe has a very European way of kissing you on both cheeks. After she kisses you, you're allowed to also kiss her back on each cheek. However, she'll tell you "don't kiss my hair" if you don't do it right and brush her hair off her cheeks first. 

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