Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Dance Program

I was thrilled when they offered dance lessons at Chloe's daycare . I was a little disappointed it was only going to be ballet, instead of tap, jazz, and ballet, but figure I'll get her in all three next year. Ballet is a great place to start.
Before you read any further I want to warn you, these are videos of Chloe's Christmas dance performance and may only be entertaining to family members. I am actually a little surprised at how emotional I was over her dancing and how much I really loved this performance. Such a Mom reaction, but I thought Chloe was amazing and I've watched the videos over and over.

Here's a breakdown of what I think Chloe learned:

  1. If you're unsure how many times to turn, turn again.
  2. If you're sweet little friend Penelope is too shy to dance, it's OK to dance in front of her.
  3. If you don't know the next step, put your hands on your hips and shake 'em!

After the ballet performance, we were treated to a surprise tap dance. The teacher brought shoes for everyone from her studio and they learned the following dance in only three weeks. Here's what Chloe learned about tap dancing in those three weeks:

  1. If the music starts, Dance! (even if no one else does)
  2. If you make a noise with your shoes (jumping or stomping) that's tap dancing.
  3. As with ballet, if you're unsure of the next step, shake your hips!

At the end of the performance the teacher tells the dancers to, "... march out and give lots of hugs and kisses to your Mom and Dad." Chloe didn't hear the "Mom and Dad" part and ran out and hugged the first person she could, Penelope's brother. Spread the love y'all!

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