Monday, August 27, 2012

Starting Ballet

I'm thrilled Chloe's school offers ballet class. I had been looking into dance schools, but most toddler classes are during the day so I'd have to schedule work around it and pull Chloe out of school for that time. This really works well since I just send her dance stuff to school and the teacher comes there on Monday afternoon.

It's only ballet and I really wish she could take tap too, but this is a great way to try it out and be sure she likes it. There has only been one class so far, but she seems to love it.

We went to a dance store to get everything. I thought it was strange that they recommended a size and a half larger ballet shoes for her to grow into, but they seem to fit OK.

We tried on our entire outfit at home the day before class. She did a little dancing for me, but remember this is before her first lesson, I'm sure she even better by now.

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