Monday, August 15, 2011

Swim Party Success

I've been trying to get the twin group together for a swim play date, but many of the Moms were concerned about trying to handle twins by themselves in a pool. It could be dangerous. So we eventually agreed to make it a weekend play date and include Dads so we could handle the swimming man-on-man or parent-on-baby to be more accurate.

There were a couple of other tactics I worked out before we had everyone over.

Before we had twins, when we hosted we'd grill out. I found that kabobs were pretty easy with a variety of meat and veggies to suit everyone. However, grilling is too much work when we have families over. In addition to heating up the grill when it's already incredibly hot out, with kiddos in attendance finger foods seem to work so much better.

My plan for the swim party was a tray of finger sandwiches and a veggie tray. It worked perfectly. I ordered a small finger sandwich platter from Central Market and although I haven't always been pleased with their catering, the finger sandwiches hit the spot with enough for 11 adults and 10 kids from the small platter (about $37). They were yummy and easy to eat. The tray lasted most of the party but was empty by the time it was over.

The other thing we did was have a couple of kiddie pools in addition to the big pool. Everyone and their babies went swimming in the big pool, but the kids could splash around safely in the kiddie pools while the adults sat under the patio cover to chat and snack.

We also got so lucky with a little drop in the temperature. The afternoon was lovely and the swim party was a huge success!

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