Monday, August 22, 2011

New Post

Mid February I made the difficult decision to leave The Richards Group after working there for over 11 years. I learned so much at the agency and loved the people I worked with but really needed to find a better balance between work and our family life. Having twins is both very rewarding and demanding. I was exhausted.

I'm so lucky to have had the last 6 months to take a break and spend more time with the twins. During that time I knew I didn't want to be a full-time stay at home Mom, but I also wanted to be sure to have more time with the kids.

I've reconnected with some colleagues who started their own shop a few years ago. Each are professional leaders in their field but also Moms. Their boutique shop is call SparkFarm and it's such a great match for me.

Last week was my first week working with the team. I go into the office Mon. - Thurs. and take Friday's off. I get up in the mornings, get the kids breakfast and usually have a little time to snuggle with Chloe and read a book with Connor before getting ready and heading into the downtown offices arriving between 9:00 and 9:30. I try to wrap up each day by 3:30 to run whatever errands need to be handled and get home for some play time with the kids. This is my plan but it's all flexible based on the workload and what needs to happen for the family. With three other Moms on the team everyone understands if you need to pick up a kid or work from home if someone's sick. It's an incredibly supportive environment both for success at work but also success at home.

I can't believe how lucky I am to work with such a great team of people and have this amazing flexibility. I'm so happy!

Below is a link to our website and our Facebook page. If you want to keep up with what's going on with SparkFarm, like us on Facebook.

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