Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yoga Drama

OK I recognize the title of this posting is an oxymoron, but sometimes yoga can be stressful even when you don't mean it to be.

A month ago the North Dallas Mothers of Twins group fund raiser was an online auction and one of the items was a month's unlimited classes for the yoga studio I go to. It's normally $130 for a month but I bid and won it for $25.

Normally I just buy a package of individual classes. So after the first week of the month it dawned on me, I have more free time, I can take more than one class a day and it won't cost more since it's an all-inclusive month. This week I started taking a morning and afternoon class. It's really not a big deal because I'm not very good, but it's nice to stretch my muscles twice a day. However, this also means I run out of yoga clothes faster.

One afternoon I'm running low on clean yoga clothes so I pull out an old pair of pants. These aren't really too old, from just over a year ago. But over a year ago I was really regular about yoga classes, had lost some weight and was sometimes able to wear tight yoga pants without being humiliated.

Regardless of what I thought, that was no longer the case. I am German and have quite a few curves, especially in my hips (aka saddle bags) Whenever I go to yoga class I feel like there are all sorts of women of different ages and skill sets. We have many of the young, beautiful, yoga goddesses at my studio but there are also other women of a variety of shapes and sizes so I felt like I could whip out the tight yoga pants and blend in.

Class went well. I felt great for making it through two classes in a day. But then someone say, "Oh, Hi!" The voice isn't one of another supportive yoga women but a guy. It takes me a minute to place him, but he's a Dad of twins from my "Mother's of Multiples" group (MoMs). Which would be fine, except he doesn't just want to say "hi" he keeps chatting in a friendly way. He's all friendly and my mind is screaming, "Why Did I Wear These Pants?!?" They're really not for public consumption. Yikes!

So all I can do is work harder or eat less, and frankly I'm not sure either one of those things are going to happen. Maybe instead I can buy more loose fitting yoga pants.

I really hate to have postings without pictures so even though this is not directly related I do have a family picture. The other night I was trying to show Carl how I was able to "flip my dog" from a three-legged down dog. The babies copied what I was doing. This may not make sense unless you've taken a yoga class.


Lauren Swan said...

2-a-days! That is impressive. And you are going to look amazing. Kevin says "way to go". He jokes about doing 2-a-days with p90x. I won't let him...ha ha. Andrew watches him do the workouts sometimes and loves imitating the moves he does. Babies are funny!

Heather said...

Love this whole post! :) And, can we please talk about your shoulder in the photo --- look at that definition! Double and, if it makes you feel better, I wear "wrong clothes" all the time --- usually it's in spin class. I start teaching and the weight of the microphone battery pack slowly starts pulling my pants down --- major wardrobe malfunction. I then have to tug them up all class so as not to horrify any of the members. Keep up the great work!