Monday, July 2, 2012

Moving On

My Mom had her house on the market for a year. It sold and she moved out a week before last. This was the house my Mom shared with my Dad so it's be very emotional to sell it and move out. It requires a lot of psychical and emotional work to pack up boxes, and memories, not to mention trying to decide what to leave behind.

It was very emotional leading up to the move, but Mom said on her last night in the house she took one last swim in the pool and has a sip of the last of Dad's Drambuie. It sounded like the perfect goodbye to the house they shared together.

Mom hasn't found her next home yet, but there is a good prospect on the  horizon and it's been fun dreaming out the ways we'll make it hers. She's very relieved for the move to be over and positive and excited about the future. With that I probably should have titled this post Moving Forward instead.

1 comment:

Lauren Swan said...

Aw Shelley! This must have been hard to blog about. I hope your mom finds a great new place close to her grand babies to live in. I must admit the part where she swam in the pool for the last time brought tears to my eyes.