Monday, April 30, 2012

This Weekend At The Zoo

Since we have a membership we can go to the zoo as often as we like, which is great because the kids love it. We had a good time, but the kids seem to like the bronze statue of animals more than the actual live animals.

Penguin up close
Of course this is what you'd do if his mouth was open
Hugs for Gorilla
Riding the Elephant
It was all fun and games until we passed the Safari Souvenir stand and Chloe starting yelling for a tiger. We tried to move along and look at more animals but she wan't having it. Finally I talked her into lunch. When we got to the end of the lunch line to pay there were crazy straws with animals on the end, so I thought that would be better than $15 stuffed animals that I had no intention of buying. The straws were OK, except Connor had a little fit when he couldn't get his tiger off.
Showing off is Tiger crazy straw
After lunch the kids started playing with a lion statue that took donations. You throw your money into the lion's mouth and it goes down into a clear ball at his belly. I gave them each a few coins to throw in and it was great fun.

And then, disaster. While we weren't looking, Connor through his tiger straw in the lion's mouth. He just kept crying and pointing at the straw in the middle of the donations.

Donated tiger crazy straw
Yes, I bought him another one. So much adventure at the zoo!

And last night they both slept with their implement hazard animal straws.

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