Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Still Got Love for the Puppies

Connor and Chloe have always loved our dogs and we've tried to teach them to be gentle with Leo. I've been pleasantly surprised with how gentle Leo is with the twins in return, but sometimes he just wants to play and the kids love it. I feel bad that Leo doesn't have another puppy friend to play with and that we won't let him play with any of the kids toys. It's especially confusing for him when the twins sick a stuffed animal in his mouth but then Carl or I yell "drop it!" at him when he starts to shake it.

A few weeks ago Maria took a few days off. The only reason I mention Maria not being here is that she would never allow what I let the kids do. Leo really wanted to play so I tied a rope around one of his rope dog toys and let the kids drag it around while he chased it.

Even though it burned off energy for the twins and Leo it wasn't a safe toy and I had to take it away after Connor wrapped it around his neck two different times. Then everyone was bummed at me for ruining their fun.

On another day Leo got ahold of one of their music sticks and started running around the house with it. Connor and Chloe thought it looked like so much fun they needed to put sticks in their mouths too.

Aunt Jamie and Uncle Brian have a sweet, black Lab named Saddie. She's come to visit a couple of times and the kids love her too. She's a little bigger than Leo so Connor gets hit the face with her tail when he tries to pet her. Chloe loves her and tries to give her hugs.

The last time Sadie visited, Chloe wanted to pet her paws. Sadie wasn't really into it, but she just curled her paws under until Chloe lost interest. Sweet Sadie!

I'm glad the kids love dogs and I hope we can keep working on how to be gentle and considerate around animals in general.

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